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What’s alive in you?

Welcome. Take time here. A moment or two – to slow down, explore and nourish what’s alive in you.

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Page contents
  1. Slow down. Reflect on this month’s prompt
  2. Explore. Read this month’s Good Gut Digest
  3. Nourish. Delight in this month’s fermented recipe
Full Moon — 18 Dec

Cold Moon

Winter comes, offering its quiet contemplation. The first frost settles on the fields, and the silence of the stars surrounds us. We are included. What has drawn us from season to season continues its incantation, even in the stillness of the solstice. How can you surrender this season?


What do you long for, and what might feed it?

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How can you surrender this season?

By reframing a few narratives.

Going to Start "GOING WITH THE FLOW" Not so much scheduling, overthinking, and planning.. the days may take me somewhere beautiful this way.



I will surrender by slowing down, adapting to the changes around me, and allowing myself to explore the cold, light the dark, and warm my heart and others with love and kindness.

Matt Bail


I can try to let go of my previous expectations and hopes for life heading into the pandemic...and start to listen for new (and maybe unexpected) opportunities that may arise.

Good Gut Digest — Nov 2021

Immune Health Begins in the Gut

This month, we've got a special guest post from our friends at Sona Pharmacy.

There’s no denying it: “immune health” is now a trending topic around the world. In the past, most of us would focus our “immune-boosting” efforts around cold and flu season, or perhaps before traveling. But between a global pandemic and a general desire to become healthier, people are wondering, “How do I really create and maintain a healthy immune system year-round?”

Good Gut Digest — Dec 2021

Can I Drink Kombucha While Pregnant?

Depending on the brand or type of kombucha, there are many variables to consider, mainly: bacteria, pasteurization, alcohol content, and caffeine.

Pregnant kombucha-fans often wonder: Is kombucha safe during pregnancy? Unfortunately, the answer isn’t as simple as “yes” or “no.” It is as complex as kombucha itself, and every person’s pregnancy decisions are highly personal. Depending on the brand or type of kombucha, there are many variables to consider, mainly: bacteria, pasteurization, alcohol content, and caffeine. While we can’t tell you which choice to make, we do want to ensure you have all the facts so that you can make an informed decision that works for you and helps you trust your gut!

Bacteria & Pasteurization: 

Seeking inspiration from our ancestral roots, and tapping into the traditional practices and wisdom of those before us, our family of living drinks are raw, unpasteurized, and fermented following a 2,000-year-old craft brewing tradition. We use living cultures and the finest raw and organic fruit juices, medicinal herbs and root infusions.

Much of the benefit of drinking kombucha comes from its billions of living beneficial bacteria (probiotics), which are essential for good digestive health. We would never consider pasteurizing (heating to death) all of those wonderful naturally occurring live and active cultures. 

Unpasteurized products are often advised to be avoided during pregnancy. Though raw and living kombucha is not pasteurized, the health risks are much different than other unpasteurized food products like milk and cheese due to acidity. Most commercial kombucha brewers like us follow good manufacturing practices that require pH levels to be tested on every batch. When kept below the correct threshold, the pH of kombucha inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria (E.Coli, listeria, etc.). Additionally, at Buchi we are proud to be officially SQF certified, meaning we are audited to a globally-recognized third-party certification, ensuring the highest standards for food safety and quality assurance.

Alcohol Content: 

Kombucha is a fermented beverage. Due to the fermentation process and the presence of yeasts necessary for that process, there are trace amounts of alcohol in kombucha. However, most kombucha you see on the shelves in your local grocery store is not considered an alcoholic beverage. How can this be?

Well, to be in compliance with current laws set forth by regulatory agencies, kombucha must test under the 0.5% ABV limit to be considered a “non-alcoholic beverage.” The trace amounts of alcohol found in a properly fermented kombucha are non-inebriating, but serve the dual function of drawing out the medicinal properties from the herbal ingredients and serving as a natural preservative.

We do rigorous laboratory testing to ensure that the ABV of all our kombucha is well below 0.5% (where it will stay as long as it is refrigerated correctly during storage). While this amount of alcohol is often considered negligible, many who are pregnant choose to avoid any amount of alcohol - even the trace amounts found in kombucha. 

Home-Brew Kombucha: 

Obviously, brewing kombucha at home has limitations when it comes to regulating and testing alcohol content. Additionally, there is increased risk that home-brewed kombucha may be contaminated with harmful pathogens. For these reasons, kombucha brewed at home is often suggested to be avoided during pregnancy. 


Another factor to consider when pregnant is caffeine intake. Because kombucha is brewed using black and/or green tea, there is caffeine involved. The question is, how much? The ratio of the tea blend, the period of time the tea leaves steep, and how long the kombucha ferments are all factors that play a role in how much caffeine remains in the end product.

While the caffeine content will increase with longer steep times, it will decrease the longer it is fermented. It’s all about balance, baby! The more time the tea is left hanging out in hot water, the more caffeine is allowed to seep into the blend. Alternatively, the fermentation process allows yeast and bacteria to consume much, if not most, of the caffeine.

‍The organic teas we use in our kombucha do have caffeine, but almost all of it is consumed during fermentation. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, current research suggests that less than 200mg of caffeine per day is considered safe during pregnancy. A bottle of Buchi kombucha has about the same amount of caffeine as a white tea or decaffeinated coffee (1-2mg). While most people deem this a trivial amount, if you have a caffeine sensitivity, or are trying to avoid caffeine completely, you might want to avoid kombucha.

Kombucha During Pregnancy: Summary

As we said at the beginning, there is no “yes” or “no” answer to this question. As always, we recommend speaking directly with your healthcare provider to assess your individual risk of consuming kombucha during pregnancy. No hard feelings if you choose to wait a while before picking up another booch.

And congratulations on your pregnancy! We can’t wait to have one more Buchi fan in the family! ;) 

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Kombucha Muffins with Notes of Peach, Ginger and Molasses

The perfect year-round breakfast treat!

3 cups whole wheat flour

chopped into large pieces

4 teaspoons baking soda

cloves peeled and crushed with the flat of a knife

3/4 teaspoon salt

with peel, chopped into large pieces

1/2 cup unsalted butter

(melted and browned)

3/4 cup honey

16oz Sovereign kombucha

Get the full recipe
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About Buchi

We make deliciously complex living drinks—with fruit and botanicals—for living deeply, lightly.

Meet the family

Our Ingredients

Quality matters. We remain dedicated to using the best ingredients for our drinks—because you and the earth deserve it.

Our Process

Method matters. We are committed to following the ancient method of wild fermentation.

Our Promise

Integrity matters. All of our drinks are rigorously made to the same high standards.

Raw & Unpasteurized

”It starts within”

There is a moment
This humble critical moment
That is here, always here
Fleeting yet eternal

Stretching, reaching
Like the ebb and flow of the sea
Tentative and persistent

This wild seed of life
Rooting deeply,
Breaking through the surface

Rough, rocky earth
Still tender, nourishing
Dark and rich

A simple recipe of truth
Pain, pleasure
Wild and tame

It starts within
This life
This moment

Why this question?

a letter from our founders

2020 was a year of reckoning. All of us have been invited to the table of suffering, and it has the potential to bring us into awakening, individually and collectively. During a year of so much loss, it feels important to re-prioritize and bring into focus what we cherish, the forgotten or looked over, the new patterns that are emerging, or the areas that feel empty — longing to be filled.

During the pandemic, we intentionally carried the question — What's Alive In You? — for ourselves and then to those we worked with and stakeholders with which we engaged. A simple question yet so rich felt like a step we could take, and a practice so accessible that we wanted to share. So we set an intention for this year to ask this question every month — to our team, and to you.

It’s an invitation to go inward and start paying attention. To look for what’s alive. To observe, question and learn — to nourish what we see and watch it grow. To take care of ourselves — our bodies, our minds, our spirits. When we embrace this center-point, we unfold into a wider reach almost by a force that is extending us outward. To nurture and take care of those around us, our families, our kith and kin, our communities — our human family.